
27 October 2023 – 15 December 2023


Proposed changes to school catchment area

Thirsk School and Sixth Form College



North YorkshireCouncil is consulting on a proposal to change the catchment area for Thirsk School and Sixth Form College. This consultation is part ofthe admission arrangements consultation for 2025/2026 and will run from 27 October 2023 to 15 December 2023.


We would welcome your views on the proposal.


Why are we proposing a  change?


Following recent discussions, it has been identified that there are three villages in an area that is served by Knayton CE Primary School where the secondary catchment area differs to the remaining villages in the same primary catchment area. These villages are Kepwick, Over Silton and Nether Silton


Kepwick, Over Silton and Nether Silton are currently served by Northallerton School and Sixth form College. The remaining villages in the Primary catchment area are served by Thirsk School and Sixth Form College.


This has resulted in an anomaly whereby the majority of children living in the Knayton CE Primary area are given priority for places at Thirsk School and Sixth Form College as living in the catchment area, whereas the children living in Kepwick, Over Silton and Nether Silton are not given the same priority as they are considered to be out of area for Thirsk School and Sixth Form College.


To remove any potential issues for parents, carers and children who currently live in Kepwick, Nether Silton and Over Silton it is proposed that the current catchment area for Thirsk School and Sixth Form College be extended to include those three parishes.


Parents and carers within this extended area will still be able to preference Northallerton School and Sixth Form College as their catchment School and Thirsk School and Sixth Form College as their joint catchment school.


Which school catchment areas would be affected by the proposal?


Only the school catchment area for Thirsk School and Sixth Form College would be affected by the proposal.








What changes are proposed?


There will be a joint secondary catchment area for the two schools serving the North Yorkshire parishes of


·                     Kepwick

·                     Nether Silton

·                     Over Silton


In future these parishes would be in the catchment area for both Northallerton School and Sixth Form College and Thirsk School and Sixth Form College.


Maps showing the currentand proposed catchment areas are included below.


When would any change become effective?


This review is part of the normal admission arrangements consultation which takes place annually. In line with the statutoryrequirements any approved changes would become effective for school admissions in September 2025.


Transport to schools will be provided in accordance with the Local Authority’s home to

school transport policy. Full details are available at


What happens next?


We would welcome your responses by the closing date of 15 December 2023


Responses can be made by email to


Alternatively responses may be sent to:


Freepost RTKE-RKAY-CUJS, Catchment Proposals – Thirsk School, Strategic Planning, Children & Young People’s Service, North Yorkshire Council, County Hall, NORTHALLERTON, DL7 8AE.


Consultation responseswill then be considered by the Council’s Executive on 23 January 2024 with a final decision taken by the Council on 21 February 2024 as part of the normalannual admission arrangements process.




   Current catchment areas for Thirsk School and Northallerton School


A map with red lines  Description automatically generated



Proposed catchment areas for Thirsk School and Northallerton School


A map with red lines  Description automatically generated